Thursday, 17 March 2011

3 AM Cuddles & Smiles...

Who would have ever thought that I would enjoy getting up a 3 AM?  Now don't get me wrong, I know I would not enjoy it if I was doing it every night, but the one night a week I do it, is great! 
One night a week we try to take Cayden for the night so that the kids can relax, Bailey can work on her school work and they (well Bay) can get a full nights sleep!  Cayden isn't sleeping through the night yet so he usually gets up around 3 or 4 am for a feeding.  His crib is in my room and he cracks me up when he wakes up!
First, he starts stirring and then he starts talking to himself.  When I get up and go over to get him, he is all smiles...I put him over on the bed to change him and he still smiling!  I get his bottle and cheat alittle because he then gets in bed with Nannie for the rest of the night so we can cuddle! (which I never did with my own boys, just another one of those perks of being the Grandmother!)
He looks up at you with these eyes and a big smile as much to say "I love you, Nannie" and it melts my heart!
I remember the boys waking up for feedings but I don't remember enjoying them that much :)  I guess it's true what my Mom said Grandkids are better then your own!  I never really understood why or how she could say that...after all she tells me almost daily that I was a perfect child...of course there are others who would disagree :)  But now I understand what she meant...when the boys were little there was always so much to do, housework, laundry, groceries, work, getting them to hockey, baseball, friends houses, etc. and sometimes as parents we forget to enjoy the little things!  But with Grandchildren we are older and smarter and I have realized that our job with them is to love them and enjoy every minute with them.  Because as I've gotten older and smarter I have also realized that those dishes and that laundry will still be there tomorrow...but he is only this age for a very short time and I'm going to enjoy those cuddles and smiles :)


  1. Way to go Erica ...... I love reading blogs!

  2. Yes honey it takes grandchildren for us to realize what a gift a baby truly is! And you are right you were a perfect child and still are a perfect daughter! Love you baby girl,
