Monday 7 March 2011

Out Of My Comfort Zone

I've decided to start doing this blog because someone I admire very much does this and I enjoy reading hers everytime she puts one on.  She is so comfortable telling her feelings and her thoughts...she just lays it all out there, she is comfortable with who she is and is one of the strongest people I know.  So in my effort to step out of my comfort zone, I'm going to give this a try!  I'm not saying that everyone will find my blogs interesting, maybe no one will but I'm going to give it a try.
For me I think it will be hard to share things because I don't share my deepest thoughts, feelings and worries with anyone.  I share somethings with some people but they are selected, carefully thought out things!  With this I hope to be able to grow as a person and become a better person. 
So somethings I hope you will find funny and others I hope you can relate too.


  1. Erica...don't stop posting honey...I love your words and you make me very proud! Love ya, Mom xoxoxoxox

  2. Good for you! You have so much to offer and are so wise! You have helped and encouraged me in more ways then I can even tell you!!

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